Exclusive distributor of wines
Château Saint Pierre
Route de Taradeau – 83460 LES ARCS SUR ARGENS
Tél. : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
SARL with capital of 16000 Euros
RCS Draguignan : B 383282 753 91 B 229
N° T.V.A FR86383282753
N° d’accise : FR.93.443.E.3022
SIRET : 38328275300011
In the absence of specific stipulations, agreed in writing between the parties, orders are automatically subject to these general conditions of sale regardless of the clauses that may appear in the buyer's documents.
The wines are delivered in boxes of 6 bottles throughout mainland France. SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME will ship the Château Saint-Pierre wines ordered as soon as your payment has been received and will send you a receipted invoice. In the event that the vintage ordered is no longer available and after telephone agreement with the customer, SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME will deliver the vintage available on the date of the order. The ordered items are shipped within 7 days of your payment, to your home or to any address you specify when ordering, subject to availability of stocks. On receipt of the wines, it is imerative to check the good condition of the products, in the event of a beakage, issue the usage reservations on the delivery slip. For any problem concerning the quality or the conformity of the delivery products, you must address by simple mail to the vineyard. In the event that SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME is unable to deliver the wines ordered, your payment will be returned to you within 15 days of your order.
The price mentioned on the order form is understood to include all taxes and includes in particular the VAT at the rate in force as well as the shipping costs wich are payable by you.
The price of the item(s) ordered is payable as follows : by bank or postal check payable to SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME attached to the order form issued on site and sent by mail to our address. The wines remain the property of SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME until they are fully paid.
The Draguignan court at the head office of SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME, distributor of Château Saint-Pierre wines, has sole jurisdiction for any dispute arising from the application of these general conditions of sale.
Sale of alcohol : By vertue of ordinance n° 59-107 of January 7, 1959 wich stipulates the prohibition of the sale of alcohol to minors, law n° 74-631 July 5, 1974 : " over sixteen years ", you agree by completing the order form to be over 16 years og age on the date the order."
Alcohol abuse is dangerous for you health. Know how to consume and enjoy in moderation.
Photos : / Crédit photo :Hervé Fabre - - www; - - Gaelle Le Rebeller
Website : 3SC Global Service
Site hosting : Planet Hoster
Protection of personal data
In accordance with the law n° 78-17 relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978, the Internet user has the right to access, rectify and delete personal information concerning him. Can exercise at any time by sending a letter to head office of SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME wich undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of personal information concerning internet users.
The site constitutes an intellectual creation within the meaning of Articles L. 111.1 and seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
All the elements available on the site, including in particular photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequence with or without sound, as well as all intellectual creations incorporated into the site, are the property of SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME of of third parties having autorized SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME to use them.
Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation or modification, by any means whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site, without having obtained the prior autorization of SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting.
SARL PROVENCE MILLESIME can not be held responsible for direct or indirect damage and in particular material damage, loss of data, financial damage which could resul from the connection or the use of the site or the information appearing there.
The site may contain hypertext links to other sites. We do not make any commitment regarding any other site to wich you may have access through our site and we would in no way be responsible for the content, opertaion and access to these sites.
Château Saint Pierre
RCS : Draguignan B 904 135 316
Siret : 904 135 316 00019
Manager : M Yves FORESTIER
Name of managing editor : M Yves FORESTIER
Hosting : Planet Hoster
Web agency : 3sc